Black Rock Quarry Restricted Area. When doing the quarry mission find black rock for Dr Marshall I stumbled upon a hidden location with sniper HISS guys and weird colored rocks that seemed to kill me via radiation or something. Case Files - Albany Supplement.

Cleanse the Control Point and then unlock the door. The quest I just finished in this area was. Continue down the almost pitch-black cavern with serious X-Men vibes and several other doors will unhinge to let you into Black Rock Processing.
Black Rock Quarry There is a hole between some rocks at the entrance of the Black Quarry mine.
Check out our Control Threshold Find the Black Rock Quarry Walkthrough Part 25 to see how to make it to the Quarry through the rabbit warren of the building. Keep going past the door near Arish and into the Black Rock Processing sector. Darlings Black Rock Lab head upstairs and open the chest youll find there. Black Rock Quarry There is a hole between some rocks at the entrance of the Black Quarry mine.