Black Rock Shooter Character. DAWN FALL TV Anime Project Officially Announced. BRS started out as an OVA and will be an anime.

Somehow what happens in one world seems to have an effect on the other and unaware of this fact the girls unknowingly become entangled by the threads of fate. As the Evil Counterpart contrasting BlackRock Shooters Action Girl status. The two later collaborated on the songs music video for which Fuke provided illustrations.
Originally a drawing posted to Fukes blog and on the image-sharing site Pixiv it inspired Ryo of the band Supercell to create a song entitled Black Rock Shooter using Vocaloid software.
Her hair is made up into two short pigtails and wears a sailor fuku. She only focuses on the things that she wants to do at the moment and is usually very calm. Somehow what happens in one world seems to have an effect on the other and unaware of this fact the girls unknowingly become entangled by the threads of fate. In the video game however she is a clone named Stella created by the Professor Gibson designed.