Black Rock Zip Code. There are 55 homes for sale ranging from 79K to 799KBlack Rock has affordable condos. It helped that we were in a placed theme camp with signs and a directory.

The total number of households is 9326 with 2 people per household on averageThe median age of the current population is 31 with 5694 people being married and 12452 being single. ZIP code 72415 is located in northeast Arkansas and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Black Rock covers the following counties.
Black Rock is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the City of Bridgeport.
Black Rock is in Summit Utah in the South West region of the USA. Melbourne - 18km away Nearest Urban Centre. Black Rock Mountain is a physical feature summit in Mohave County. Portions of zip code 72415 are contained within or border the city limits of Black Rock AR Imboden AR and Powhatan AR.