Blackrock Foundry. The end boss of Blackrock Foundry is Blackhand. It drops level 650-695 gear including Tier 17.

The Blackrock Foundry a place of great craftsmanship and labor. Blackrock Foundry is a raid that was introduced in the expansion Warlords of Draenor. Now massive giants captured and broken by the Thunderlord heat the great forges flamebenders of the Burning Blade imbue the ore with an inner fire and engineers shape the slag according to otherworldly schematics.
The instance was released in the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
It has 10 bosses and serves as the source of Tier 17 gear. Now massive giants captured and broken by the Thunderlord heat. Now massive giants captured and broken by the Thunderlord heat the great forges flamebenders of the Burning Blade imbue the ore with an inner fire and engineers shape the. Located in Blackrock Foundry Raid.