Home Studio Voice Over Equipment. Reflect upon the gods of sex death and truth with Hipster Bricks by Denver Day. VO101 offers tested and reputable affordable voice over equipment for voice talent.

In fact over 90 of local and regional radio and television voice-over work is recorded in small private home studios. Find out what our experts are saying before you buy your next piece of voice over gear. VO101 offers tested and reputable affordable voice over equipment for voice talent.
We provide in depth reviews of the equipment you need for your voice over home studio.
The microphone used will have a strong effect on the sound quality. Whether youre recording voice-over for a TV show film commercial podcast or audiobook great audio gear can make your voice shineand it doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg. Microphone analog or USB 3. A home studio is an area in your home that you have designated to set up your voice over recording equipment.