Humble House Kombucha Crock. This itemHumble House Stainless Steel Spigot Kombucha Crock Continuous Brew SAUERKROCKTap 5 Liter 13 Gallon Jar Natural White 6995. Sold by Humble House and ships from Amazon Fulfillment.

Humble House SAUERKROCK TAP Kombucha Crock with Stainless Steel Spigot and Cotton Cloth Cover - 5 Liter 13 Gallon Ceramic Jar in Natural White for Continuous Brewing 45 out. There are 2 different sizes a 5 L and a 10 L. Humble House SAUERKROCK TAP Kombucha Crock with Stainless Steel Spigot and Cotton Cloth Cover - 5 Liter 13 Gallon Ceramic Jar in Natural White for Continuous Brewing Visit the Humble House Store 46 out of 5 stars 276 ratings.
The humble house kombucha crock doubles down as a continuous brewing setup thanks to its stainless-steel spigot and large volume.
Humble House SAUERKROCK TAP Kombucha Crock with Stainless Steel Spigot and Cotton Cloth Cover - 10 Liter 26 Gallon Ceramic Jar in Natural White for Continuous Brewing by. Fermentation is the decomposition of organic compounds by microorganisms andor enzymes ferments when food in the fermentation. I ended up getting a 10 L and am happy I went for the bigger size. No matter your level of experience as a fermenter our products are designed to help you produce.