Lady Valentine Aglaonema. 4 Aglaonema Lady Valentine shown. While the majority are shades of green Lady Valentine is pink with individual plants ranging from deep blush to almost white.

5999 Only 1 left. The leaves are bigger than other aglaonemas making the Lady Valentine a perfect pop of color as a desk plant for the office or on a shelf or table in your home. How to repot Aglaonema Lady Valentine Repotting of Aglaonema Lady Valentine Chinese Evergreen Red Aglaonema Plant BEST INDOOR PLANTPlease click sub.
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Tanaman hias aglonema lady Valentine - aglaonema lady. Aglaonema Lady Valentine is a wonderful red aglaonema with big dark green leaves and red mottled centers. Aglaonema is also known as Chinese evergreen because of its origin in South Asia original Chinese evergreen Aglaonema Modestum plant has deep green color leaves like peace lily petite. Aglaonema Red Valentine Chinese Evergreen is an ornamental slow-growing houseplant.