Lady Vengeance Sinopsis. The final installment of director Chan Wook Parks revenge trilogy preceded by Sympathy for Mr. Review dan Sinopsis Film Lady Vengeance 2005 Ditulis oleh Yanyan Andryan - Diperbaharui 14 November 2021 Film ini merupakan seri ketiga sekaligus terakhir dalam trilogi Vengeance garapan sutradara kenamaan Korea Selatan Park Chan-wook.

Lady Vengeance dibintangi oleh Lee Young-ae sebagai Lee Geum-ja. The third film from Chan-wook Parks revenge trilogy following Sympathy for Mr. Semi unsensor sub indo.
Exemple ar fi Lady vengeance Old boy I saw the devil.
Namun Sook Hee masuk kesana bukan tanpa alasan namun ternyata kedekatan antara Sook Hee dengan majikannya menimbulkan. With Nam-mi Kang Jeong-nam Choi Hye-Sook Go Bok-hwa Baek. Vengeance 2002 and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance 2005 Oldboy Korean movie won Grand Prix at 57th Cannes Film Festival in 2004 and received appreciation from Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino. After a thirteen-year imprisonment for the kidnap and murder of a six-year-old boy Guem-Ja Lee seeks vengeance on the man truly responsible for the boys death.