Lady With An Ermine. Lady with an Ermine is one of the most amazing paintings from the Renaissance era. The portrait is now in the Czartoryski Muzeum in the Polish city of Krakow.

Unfortunately the original background has been overlaid probably in the 17th c. The duke who was da Vincis patron and champion for 18 years was nicknamed the white ermine. Dama con lermellino ˈdaːma kon lermelˈliːno.
The subject of the portrait is Cecilia Gallerani painted at a time when she was the mistress of Ludovico Sforza Duke of Milan and Leonardo was in the service of the duke.
The Lady with an Ermine is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci painted in Milan around 1490. Leonardo said about the ermine. Dama z gronostajem is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci from around 14891490 and one of Polands national treasures. Lady with an Ermine was purchased in 1798 by the Polish Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and incorporated into the family art collection at Pulawy.