Lady Xiahou. She gave birth to Lady Zhang who later became Empress of Shu-Han. Lady Xiahou can use Interlock with any male.

To pick any up through Swallow Birds Lady Xiahou must first discard one of the same type at the beginning of that turn. Xiahou Ji 夏侯績 son of Xiahou Heng served as Rapid as Tigers General of the Household. If Yang Huiyu and Cai Yong were also added she would make an interesting addition.
When Zhang Fei caught her and then later married her she was a lot younger than he was.
When her sister died in 237 Liu Shan adopted her as a concubine. She requested to have her uncles remains buried. Zhao Xianlong said Since no one has any objections then its settled. The Attentive and Lamented Empress of the Later Lord Liu Shan Jìngāi huánghòu 後主敬哀皇后 was the eldest daughter of the General of Chariots and Cavalry jūjì jiāngjūn 車騎將軍 Zhang Fei.