Lady Xian. China IMG 2222 3110473244jpg 900 1200. Lady Xian was born around the year 512 AD.

China IMG 2222 3110473244jpg 900 1200. The Qi Xian known as the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove were historical figures who retreated to the countryside to write works that embraced Taoist ideas. Guangdong was then a remote province in the far reaches of the Chinese Empire ruled by an Emperor more than 1000 miles away.
Bai Suzhen Lady White Snake transforms into a giant snake Qing Dynasty CAFA Art Museum One day Xu Xian tricked his wife to drink a wine mixed with the liquid all.
Barbie Imperial on Xian Gazas malicious tirades. Bai Suzhen Lady White Snake transforms into a giant snake Qing Dynasty CAFA Art Museum One day Xu Xian tricked his wife to drink a wine mixed with the liquid all. In his heart he was very clear about Xuanyuan Yuzhens ambitions. Xu Xian didnt believe him then Fahai suggested Xu Xian to give his wife a special drink and verify it.