Mako Iwamatsu. His parents remained in the US working for the Office of War Information and at the cessation of the conflict were granted US. Monissa hänen rooleissaan hänet esitellään.

The movie follows the tale of a Navy machinist on a gunboat called the USS San Pablo. Heinäkuuta 2006 oli japanilais-amerikkalainen näyttelijäHänen isänsä oli kirjailija ja kuvittaja Tarō YashimaMakon vanhemmat muuttivat Yhdysvaltoihin tämän ollessa pieni ja Mako itse seurasi toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. When Mako was five his parents moved to New York City to study art but with relations between the United States and Japan deteriorating Mako was left with his grandparents in Japan.
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His parents remained in the US working for the Office of War Information and at the cessation of the conflict were granted US. Mako Iwamatsu was an Oscar-nominated actor and one of the founders of the East West Players company a theatre group dedicated to giving Asian-American actors roles and nurturing their talents. Mako was born Makoto Iwamatsu in Kobe Japan on December 10 1933. Went to war in 1941.