Mako Shark. Both are streamlined and have pointed snouts. Today there are only two living species of Mako remaining.

Their speed makes them one of the fastest fishes on the planet. Shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque 1810 aka makos shortfins short-finned makos blue pointers mackerel sharks blue dynamites bonitos spriglios palomas are truly beautiful animals. Like their cousin the great white they keep their body temperature warmer than the surrounding water using a high.
Mako sharks are the efficient predator and therefore a carnivorous animal.
It feeds several species of fish including octopus squids bony fish dolphins seabirds and turtles. They have few predators mainly larger sharks that may prey on smaller shortfin mako sharks. It consumes almost 3 percent of its weight and needs 2 days to digest the food. The longfin mako Isurus paucus is a widely distributed offshore species.