Orchard House East Farndon. Brenda lived at Orchard House in East Farndon and she moved to the village in the late 1970s with her husband Derek who died in 2013. The average price for a property in LE16 9SJ is 1093333 over the last year.

Basic information for recent applications is available online. WND20210650 Registered Date 01102021. The enclosures and building platforms will contain buried evidence for houses barns and other structures accompanied by a range of boundaries refuse pits.
The Post Office 1950.
East Farndon Parish is located in the District of Daventry Northamptonshire. This six bedroom house in East Farndon was built in 1904. The average house price in Main Street East Farndon Market Harborough LE16 is 568801. WND20210650 Registered Date 01102021.