Orchard House Jersey. First Couple from 51500 per night Additional Guests - 10000 per person per night. Highly intelligent man died after unfulfilling mental health treatment.

Jerseys Health Minister says work is already underway to close the acute mental health ward after a review called it completely unacceptable. Please may you detail. It was at 154 in the same month last year.
Orchard House is an inpatient service for adults with an acute mental health problem requiring hospitalisation.
Orchard House is an inpatient service for adults with an acute mental health problem requiring hospitalisation. In addition inpatient care may be non-voluntary under the Mental Health Jersey Law when the individual is assessed as posing harm to themselves or to others. 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 7pm daily Address Orchard House La Route De La Hougue Bie. We offer an intensive assessment period covering.