Orchard House Victoria. Westsea is the lessor and fee simple owner of Orchard House. View detailed information about Orchard House rental apartments located at 647 Michigan St Victoria BC V8V 1S9.

Crossroads are Michigan Street and Young Street located in the James Bay neighborhood in Victoria. Program Information View Schedule - Spring 2018 Registration How to Apply Lorem ipsum dolor sit. Services at this location.
Orchard House - 647 Michigan Street Victoria BC V8V 1S9 Canada.
House located at 64 7 Michigan Street in Victoria British Columbia Orchard House. Morbi egestas tincidunt erat hendrerit feugiat. Orchard House tower in a telephoto picture across Victorias Inner Harbour taken from atop Highrock Park in Esquimalt. Suite lessees are tenants who pre-paid the rent for---or if youre in the market can buy on the resale market---the remaining years of a suites 99-year lease.