Orchid House Surgery. Orchid House Surgery is one of the leading GP practice in Ferndown and it is located at St Marys Road Ferndown Dorset BH22 9HF. I had a home visit from the 2 Paramedics from the surgery as I was feeling very unwell.

Orchid House Surgery is rated as Good by CQC and delivers a comparatively high partnership sessional rate. Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of coronavirus COVID-19. For more information an informal chat or to arrange a visit to the surgery please contact the Practice Manager Carolyn Hattersley carolynhattersleydorsetgpnhs.
Before contacting your GP practice please consider using NHS.
Official information from NHS about Orchid House Surgery including contact details directions opening hours and servicetreatment details. For more information an informal chat or to arrange a visit to the surgery please contact the Practice Manager Carolyn Hattersley carolynhattersleydorsetgpnhs. I had a home visit from the 2 Paramedics from the surgery as I was feeling very unwell. My husband I have been registered with Orchid House for almost 4 years now their service is exemplary.