The Loft Kost. The air-conditioned accommodations is 17 mi from Kos Town. Kami menawarkan kamar dan kost siap huni yang didesain nyaman dengan segala hal yang Anda butuhkan.

Kami menawarkan kamar dan kost siap huni yang didesain nyaman dengan segala hal yang Anda butuhkan. Pria Wanita Suami-Istri. 6 Kamar - Jenis Kost.
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Alesha House Yellow 2 No 6 Jl. 54 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 3A Tangerang Selatan. It has become our home base as we host most of our events here throughout the year especially the exclusive intimate sunrise and sunset parties strictly under the musical guidance of some of electronic musics greatest. Maintaining the award- winning architecture and mezzanine its idea was to adapt with materials taking flexibility to a new level.