The Lofty Fierce Consort. Hopes and Dreams Are Great But Reality Is Cruel Translator. Around the deep-blue spring with dainty feet they dance and around the altar of the mighty son of Kronos.

Frivolous Miss Chapter 1114 Chapter 1114. Ok I just started reading The Lofty Fierce Consort and I noticed it shared the same universe with the Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid and The Prestigious Familys Young lady and the Farmer. With a dad who made it big his scheming bitch of a concubine and a mother who is a pushover Yan Yans life was bound to be rough.
Frivolous Miss Chapter 1114 Chapter 1114.
With a dad who made it big his scheming bith of a concubine and a mother who is a pushover Yan Yans life was bound to be rough. He laded his sea-boat bearing bright treasures into the bosom of the ship the heir of Waels. The Lofty Fierce Consort Novel Alt title. Hes so good looking and talented only a man like him can thoroughly conquer a woman as fierce and unreasonable as the khan.