The Slow Decay Lyrics. From the album THE MORTAL COIL available here - httpsmarturlitPOLARISTMCLYRICSWhere do we go now. Drink a little water Feel a little better You do what you gotta babe Breathe a little air Bring life into your muscles - instinct for the living man But there is one thing Youre all forgetting That endless morning Will turn to night And when youre dreaming You will be seeing A little demon Dancing around Baby there is only one way And that.

Stand down son Start resting easy Youve done your service I am proud to have you home And see you safe. Stand Down Son Start Resting Easy. The guitars once again scream eerily as the drums pound consistently and Bennett spews dark lyrics that end with the album title Slow Decay.
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But you look scared now hollow eyed. In a world that hates me A battle Ill never win Trying to escape Something I cant run from Im holding myself back From feeling whats real. Drink a little water Feel a little better You do what you gotta babe Breathe a little air Bring life into your muscles - instinct for the living man But there is one thing Youre all forgetting That endless morning Will turn to night And when youre dreaming You will be seeing A little demon Dancing around Baby there is only one way And that. 5 continues where 4 left out and Nyx jumps in and steps things up a notch.