The Slow Fade. Slow Fade is a song by Christian rock band Casting Crowns. I got the slow fade over the past month from one of the girls I was seeing and looking back I still cant nail down when it began.

It is when a person you like rather than ending the relationship quickly and directly slowly fades out of your life. Enter the slow fade. In these situations when one partner needs more than the other individual is willing or able to give they find it easier to simply begin backing away.
Also in my personal experience when I slow fade I feel like Im giving the girl a chance to do the same.
If your person starts slow fading after you tell them you love them if they start sabotaging or picking random fights or starts slow fading or completely ghosts after you had an intimate time vacation for a few days lovey-dovey date etc they might have an avoidant attachment style. Enter the slow fade. To avoid similar torture some guys and girls pull what is known as the slow fade and try to end a relationship gradually by doing or not doing a few simple things. The slow fade is the charade that someone puts on when they decide to end a relationship but dont share their decision.