The Slow Network Connection. Again solutions to a slow internet connection have written about in past articles try our article. Show activity on this post.

Slow link detection measures the speed of the connection between a users computer and the remote server that stores the roaming user profile. I was using Windows 10 Pro on the computer that was having the issue and thats where the following change should be made to the registry. Win 7 Pro x64 slow to set up network connection in Network Sharing.
Transfer speeds on all types of traffic are around 15MBs on a 1000mbits wired ethernet connection.
When the system detects a slow link the related policy settings in this folder tell the computer how to respondIf you enable this policy setting the system does. Just go to the search bar next to the Windows icon type in. How to see everything Google knows. The internet is down No the internet is not down but the inability to access the internet or cloud-based apps can be caused by bandwidth hogs.