The Slow Queries. Debugging SQL and slow queries can help you resolve slowness issues in an instance. The advantage of the slow query log is that you can instantly inspect a slow query.

Here Ill use Sematext Clouds Solr Logs integration to parse my Solr logs and give me some predefined dashboards to analyze them. The slow query log consists of SQL statements that take more than long_query_time seconds to execute and require at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined. This table stores all the slow queries in the instance.
When you debug an instance you can either enable SQL debugging to look for slow queries or you can look for slow queries by checking the Slow Queries sys_query_pattern table by navigating to System Diagnostics Stats Slow Queries.
Once an query event is opened by clicking on the event name the right hand side detail panel provides more insights into each event. The slow queries definition might differ in different cases since there are certain occasions that even a. For example a query executed hundreds of times per second may be more important to optimize than a query only executed once daily even if the latter takes many times longer. To find the slow queries well need to log them either from Solr or from the application that queries it.