The Slow Second Life Of A Dismissed Dark Soldier (age 30). The dark soldier Dariel could not use magic when he was in the army of the Demon King and was fired due to the worthlessness of his abilities. The peerless beautiful man Xie Yan crossed over and fell into the vixens lair.

The dark soldier Dariel could not use magic when he was in the army of the Demon King and was fired due to the worthlessness of his abilities. Ive decided to kill the person responsible for my sisters death. Ankoku Heishi The Slow Second Life of a Dismissed Dark Soldier age 30 Неспешная жизнь уволенного тёмного солдата30-ти лет 被解雇的暗黑士兵慢生活的第二人生 解雇された暗黒兵士30代のスローなセカンドライフ.
Read The Slow Second Life of a Dismissed Dark Soldier age 30 - Chapter 12 The Dark Soldier Fired - A brief description of the manga The Slow Second Life of a Dismissed Dark Soldier age 30.
Ive decided to kill the person responsible for my sisters death. Strongest Caveman is a MangaManhwaManhua in EnglishRaw language Action series is written by Updating This Comic is About. Read The Slow Second Life of a Dismissed Dark Soldier age 30 - Chapter 1 The Dark Soldier Fired - A brief description of the manga The Slow Second Life of a Dismissed Dark Soldier age 30. A dark ex-soldier who became an adventurer - The dark soldier Dariel 30 years old who cant use magic while in an army of demons was fired for his lack of capacity.