The Slow Yarn Spinner. So much so that I even started another one. The Slow Yarn Spinner.

The Slow Yarn Spinner - Home Facebook. By the end Id actually started to quite enjoy the process. By creating online courses for beginner spindle spinners and spinning challenges for those that want to experiment and expand their knowledge of the craft The Slow Yarn Spinner has the potential not just to weather this virus but to come out the other side stronger than before.
A sweater knitted with my handspun yarn.
The Spinner by William-Adolphe Bouguereau This woman spins fibre from the distaff in her left arm using a drop spindle. I have made two videos with the concept of slow in mind. None of this is going along with the speed of light. The Slow Yarn Spinner Hi Im Ruth I run online yarn spinning courses sell hand spun yarns hand processed fibres.